End of Summer... what's next?
Why Blogging is important to me..
I love blogging as it catalogues my processes and thoughts. Some posts are directly about my work and methods, some are about new techniques or spheres of creativity I am doing. Some are reflective and include poems and sketches about thoughts on creativity and life. I also do "SHOUT OUTS" about other creative people. I like the fact that posts do not dissappear into the ether, but are stored, like a chapter in a book. I also love to share the creative journey I am on, in the hopes that it inspires others..And it hones my writing skills!
Dedicated Creative Box and Gardening
Beginner's Painting Tutorial and recent work flow...
End of Summer... what's next?
Dedicated Creative Box and Gardening
Beginner's Painting Tutorial and recent work flow...
A walk through my sketchbook Vol 1:2
I fell in the Honey Pot and can’t get out ...!
A walk through my Sketchbook. Take 10 VOL 1:1
What's New in the shop?
Sour Dough Starters and Pondering the Creative Process
Safe in the Arms of Jesus....
Colour work coincides with Observation
“I don’t have a creative bone in my body!”...
#Shoutout to some Artists
Miracle Mornings New Routine
Close your eyes...
New Day...
The Icon Breadcrumbs so far...
In with the New!...
Have a go! ...Just like Churchill!
To Paint Like a Child...
Montenegro part 3.. A Way of Life