#colour-work #mixing #inspiration #music #singing #swatches #lakes #hydranger #ellesmere #Shropshire #beauty #photography #lakeside
I wanted to do a bit of what I call "Colour Work" the other day.. taking just a few colours with Black and White and seeing what combinations I can get. I chose to use Cobolt Blue and Leaf Green for one page (L) and Cobolt Blue and Burnt Sienna for the next 2.. I really enjoyed the subtle changes by adding up a tiny bit more colour, then adding a white or a tiny bit of black.
Interestingly one evening we took a jaunt to the beautiful Ellesmere lake near our house. It was Golden hour - my favourite time of the day... the colours were stunning. SO many beautiful colours in the reflections and the sky that night. I saw that many of the colour were combinations of what I had worked on earlier that day... so now I have a reference for how to make similar colours if I wanted to paint that scene...
It is possible that Ultramarine Blue would give a better match? So I will have to do some more colour work experimentation!...
We were at Chirk Castle yesterday and the gardens look spectacular.. in the shade of a tree we saw this amazing plant. I have since found out that it is a Hydranger called a "Lacecap". What a stunning plant! The intricate detail and design is breathtaking...
I Love the subtle colours of the dappled light on the ground - I can see some of the same colour matches in the colour work I did.. subtle warm greys and light browns... Everywhere we look we can see amazing beauty.
Well, this was just a little post of inspiration. I would like to finish off by sharing this stunning performance of a young 15 yr old girl singing "Voila" Her story is one of inspiration and bravery. Not a dry eye is in the audience I think!...